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How to Help Coaching Clients Set Goals for 2023

It’s a new year, and many clients are feeling pressure to select their “word of the year” and make New Year’s Resolutions.

And even though a new year isn’t necessary for reflection and reevaluation, it’s still an opportune time for your clients to put plans in place to achieve their dreams and goals.

Let’s explore how you, a Christian Life Coach, can help your coaching clients set goals for the new year.

New Year’s Resolutions vs. Goal Setting

First, let’s discuss if it’s a good idea to assist clients who want to make New Year’s Resolutions. We suggest that rather than helping your clients focus on resolutions, concentrate on goal-setting with your client instead.

Making resolutions focuses on what your client wants to change without identifying specific paths to achieve them. Setting goals requires taking action and increases your clients’ chances for success. You can do this using SMART Goals.

Why S.M.A.R.T. Goals?

Guide your clients to set S.M.A.R.T. goals, so they are more likely to achieve them. S.M.A.R.T. goals are based on an acronym that creates a plan for success because goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

However, before setting goals with your clients, review their core values so the goals they pursue align with them. It’s also beneficial to talk with them about the difference between setting goals in their flesh and seeking the Lord for direction. For example, they may discover that their desired goal to lose weight morphs into a different goal the Lord puts on their heart instead – such as releasing body shame and embracing their body as good.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals:

1. Specific

Demonstrate to your clients how to set specific goals; clearly stated so there is no confusion about what the client wants to accomplish.

2. Measurable

Next, show your clients how to state their goals in a measurable way. Give them a chance to identify how they want to measure their progress.

3. Attainable

Goals need to be challenging but also realistic and attainable, so your client doesn’t get discouraged. It’s common for clients to feel excited and try to set lofty goals that may not be realistic, but you can help them break their goals down into smaller chunks.

4. Relevant

It’s imperative that your clients set goals that align with their values. Help them identify goals that are important to them.

5. Time-Bound

Lastly, help your client identify how long it will take to accomplish their goals. Each goal should have a specific timeline to achieve it.

Now, let’s look at examples between resolutions and goals. Here is an example of a New Year’s Resolution: “I want to write in my prayer journal more this year.” You can see how this statement communicates a desire, but there is no real plan in place. It sets up your client for disappointment.

Listen to how that same New Year’s Resolution stated as a S.M.A.R.T. goal sounds much different: “Beginning today, I will write in my prayer journal in the morning for ten minutes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.”

One treasure of being a Christian Life Coach is inviting the Lord into the coaching process with your clients so they can be reminded of His love for them and their identity in Him to set Spirit-inspired goals in the new year.

Do You Have a Goal To Become a Christian Life Coach?

Are you still thinking about becoming a Christian Life Coach? Perhaps you sense the Lord prompting you to become a Christian Life Coach this year.

If so, take your first step today by reaching out to the Center for Christian Coaching for more information. We look forward to talking with you!


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