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Putting Love Into Action

Love is one of those words we apply to many different things. “I love that song,” “I love that restaurant,” “I love those shoes,” or “I love my grandma”. Not only do we use it for a lot of different things, but we can also change our minds daily and move on to the next thing we “love”.

But the Hebrew word ‘hesed” refers to a love that is completely opposite of how we use the word love. “Hesed” is a covenant love that God expresses to us and it refers to completely undeserved kindness and generosity.

It’s a series of actions that define and underscore a relationship.

“Hesed” intervenes on behalf of loved ones and comes to their rescue.

What a beautiful picture that brings of the Cross.

It goes way beyond just saying that Jesus loves me.

Easter could not be a more perfect example of “hesed” in action. Jesus intervened on behalf of His beloved, each one of us, and came to our rescue.

His unfailing love was proven with each nail that held Him to the cross.

His relentless love was proven by His willingness to be the perfect sacrifice for each of us.

And His rescue mission of grace continued once He rose again on that first Easter.

While Jesus prepared to return to His home, He promised us a Helper, the Holy Spirit. We were still on His mind, and He was still intervening on our behalf.

As we give thanks for our Risen Savior, how can we put our love for Him in action?

As a Christian Life Coach, we can be part of His rescue plan for those around us. We can be faithful to come alongside hurting people, meet them where they are, without judgement, and point them to Him for their own rescue and healing.

What are you waiting for? Isn’t it time to begin your journey as a Christian Life Coach and put your love for Jesus into action?

Contact us now to begin your journey.


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