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The Difference Between Coaching and Counseling

Are you interested in supporting people but unsure of which path to take? Do you find yourself naturally encouraging others and desiring to gain skills so you can be of more help? Most people are familiar with counseling but less knowledgeable about Life Coaching, which is another helping role. Like counselors, Life Coaches walk with clients to hopefully help them achieve change. While counselors work with clients to fix problems, Life Coaches enable clients to reach goals. Let’s look at other distinct differences between life coaching and counseling.

Life Coaching

As a life coach, you partner with your clients so they can move from where they are to where they want to be. Christian Life Coaching moves clients from where they are to where God wants them to be by integrating Christian values and a biblical worldview.

As a Christian Life Coach, you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and your clients, inclining your ear to hear God’s voice. With a sincerely compassionate coaching presence and by asking powerful questions you can help clients see opportunities for growth, identify areas where they are stuck, take responsibility for their actions, and work through challenging circumstances.

Christian Life Coaches have the honor of representing Jesus Christ to their clients. You help clients to get out of their own way and perceive where God is working in their life. This partnership, with God leading the way, has great potential to change people’s lives for the better!

How Is Counseling Different From Life Coaching?

Counseling is defined by the American Psychological Association (APA) as “professional assistance in coping with personal problems, including emotional, behavioral, vocational, marital, educational, rehabilitation, and life-stage (e.g., retirement) problems.”

Counseling is different from life coaching because it generally addresses mental health, emotional wounds, and trauma or crisis. The counselor is seen as the expert diagnosing problems that keep clients from functioning normally and employing therapeutic strategies to help the client heal. Counseling is designed to help clients look back, whereas life coaching is about living in today and looking ahead.

Is Christian Life Coaching Right For You?

Our training here at the Center for Christian Coaching, starts with the firm foundation of Jesus, love from the Father, and guidance from the Holy Spirit to empower you to help your clients move forward and make positive changes. Additionally, you’ll receive all the skills and tools necessary to make you a competent and confident coach.

If you sense the Lord calling you into Christian Life Coaching, we invite you to contact us at the Center for Christian Coaching today. We are here to answer your questions and hope to hear from you!


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