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Three More Business Tools to Share

We love hearing from our Alumni and how the Lord is using them to minister to clients.

We also enjoy when they share which tools they are using as they build their coaching business.

Here are 3 more tools that they have shared in order to help new coaches:

Go bananas for Mail Chimp!

If you are looking for a way to start using email as a marketing tool, Mail Chimp loves to work with small businesses. They have a forever free version that will allow you to send emails each month. You can use their templates and start building a list of contacts.

Sending out a blog each month or perhaps advertising a new package you are offering could be some great ways to keep in touch with anyone on your contact list.

Shift gears and move to Google Drive

If you are creating Client Welcome Packets, or need a place to store your coaching tools and handouts, Google Drive can be a great solution.

You can save your docs in (almost) any format to make it as easy as possible for your clients to to share their information and complete forms. Presenting them with their copy in a format they are familiar with is one way to do this. It helps make the whole process painless.

It pays to use PayPal

If you are working online with a coaching client and it’s time to get paid, PayPal is one of the easiest payment tools that has been around for awhile. If you have a PayPal account you can easily receive money from anywhere in the world.

Your client can easily sign up for PayPal and then just send your fee to your email account and you’re good to go. PayPal also has a great helpdesk providing quick answers to questions or problems.


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